The Siachen glacier lies in the Karakorams and ranges approximately 78 kilometers. Being the second largest non-polar glacier in the world, the Siachen glacier is often termed as the third pole which highlights its significance in the global ecological balance. The glacier is a disputed area with no clearly demarcated Line of Control, which has resulted in a decades-long conflict in the region termed as the Siachen Conflict. The military activity on the glacier owing to the conflict is starting to display its environmental impacts with the rapid retreating of the glacier due to the military activity in addition to global warming and climate change.
The human activity in the region creates additional warming, in addition to global warming, which further accelerates the retreating of the glacier. The armed forces, their machines and their garbage create this additional warming with the garbage remaining as an unnatural material in the glacier for long periods of time due to the freezing temperatures that inhibit decomposition of the waste material. Furthermore, the usage of chemicals by both nations to melt and cut through the ice and further construct bunkers, helipad, airfields and pipelines creates more instability in the glacier creating a more rapid melting of the glacier.
The melting of the glacier could cause floods, droughts, food shortages and severe water insecurity for the countries that rely on the glacier’s water supply, including India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The retreating of the glacier is also having unforeseen impacts on the troops deployed in the region. The instability created in the glacier is resulting in ice avalanches such as the Gyari Avalanche which claimed the lives of 129 Pakistani soldiers and 11 civilians. The glacier is also a unique ecosystem that is home to endangered species including the snow leopard, brown bear and some plants, which are at increased risk of extinction owing to habitat destruction. Lastly, the garbage dumped remains in the glacier and pollutes the water in the rivers it feeds which could impact the health of those that rely on the water.
Therefore, necessary intervention is required in order to conserve the Siachen glacier which is a significant indicator of environmental health in order to protect the unique ecosystem and those that rely on it. Various ideas have been put forward to conserve the glacier including the establishment of a peace park, demilitarization of the region and the establishment of a Line of Control between India and Pakistan in the region and it is necessary for both governments to place hostility towards the other nation in the backseat and act quickly to protect the Siachen glacier.